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仲裁庭认为孙杨的行为违反了《国际泳联兴奋剂检测条例》(“FINA DC”)第2.5条(“Tampering or Attempted Tampering with any part of Doping Control”),且采集人员的资质符合《国际测试和调查标准》(“ISTI”)中的相关要求。

争议焦点之一:孙杨的行为是否构成了对FINA DC的违反?

仲裁庭认为孙杨拒绝采集人员将样本带离现场并对样本进行损毁的行为构成对FINA DC 第2.5条的违反。该条文原文摘录如下[2](注:FINA在该条文下提供了官方评注,笔者将该条文及其评注一并摘录,以供读者参考):

DC 2.5 Tampering or Attempted Tampering with any part of Doping Control

Conduct which subverts the Doping Control process but which would not otherwise be included in the definition of Prohibited Methods. Tampering shall include, without limitation, intentionally interfering or attempting to interfere with a Doping Control official, providing fraudulent information to an Anti-Doping Organisation, or intimidating or attempting to intimidate a potential witness.

[Comment to DC 2.5: For example, this article would prohibit altering identification numbers on a Doping Control form during Testing, breaking the B bottle at the time of B Sample analysis, or altering a Sample by the addition of a foreign substance. Offensive conduct towards a Doping Control official or other Person involved in Doping Control which does not otherwise constitute Tampering may result in proceedings before the FINA Disciplinary Panel and shall also be addressed in the disciplinary rules of FINA and its Member Federations.]

2月28日,孙杨在其微博上公布了与此事件相关的视频以及书面文件,两条微博都配上了“暴力抗检?”的反问语句来力证自己并未实施暴力抗检行为。而从本次公告的内容来看,并未对其是否涉及暴力抗检作相关描述,而是依据了FINA DC 第2.5条,认为孙杨存在阻碍兴奋剂检测的行为。就该条文的行文来看,其不仅仅针对运动员的暴力抗检行为,而是可以将任何阻碍或试图阻碍兴奋剂检测的行为均纳入其中。

并且仲裁庭认为,即便孙杨认为采集人员的资质存在问题,仍可以在提供检测样本后,使得完好的样本能够保留在检测机构中的同时再质疑采集人员资质,而毁坏样本将导致之后再无可能对该样本进行检测;孙杨放弃兴奋剂检测的行为并无正当的理由。因此,孙杨一方对采集人员资质的质疑并未被仲裁庭认定构成对违反FINA DC 第2.5条的合理抗辩。


根据相关媒体报道,WADA一方援引了ISTI第5.3.3条规定,认为样本采集人员的授权文件符合规定;而孙杨一方则依据ISTI-Blood Sample Collection Guidelines,认为采集人员中的每一位都需要获得授权文件。[3]



Sample Collection Personnel: A collective term for qualified officials authorized by the Sample Collection Authority to carry out or assist with duties during the Sample Collection Session.[4]

Doping Control Officer (or DCO): An official who has been trained and authorized by the Sample Collection Authority to carry out the responsibilities given to DCOs in the International Standard for Testing and Investigations.[5]

5.3.3 Sample Collection Personnel shall have official documentation, provided by the Sample Collection Authority, evidencing their authority to collect a Sample from the Athlete, such as an authorisation letter from the Testing Authority. DCOs shall also carry complementary identification which includes their name and photograph (i.e., identification card from the Sample Collection Authority, driver’s licence, health card, passport or similar valid identification) and the expiry date of the identification.[6]

ISTI-Blood Sample Collection Guidelines (Version 5.0)

2.5 Sample Collection Personnel

These individuals must:

- Be trained and authorized for their assigned responsibilities;

- Not have any conflict of interest in the outcome of the Sample collection; and

- Not be a Minor.[7]

上述两个规范性文件均是由WADA发布的,而就文件的效力而言,根据WADA的官方网页显示,ISTI属于下图中左侧的国际标准,ISTI-Blood Sample Collection Guidelines则属于下图中右侧的非强制性规定。


最终,仲裁庭认定负责采集的人员完全符合ISTI中所需要的资质要求,而这一观点与此前FINA Doping Panel对这一事件的认定截然相反。另外顺便提一句,WADA既是上述两项规则的制定者,同时也是解释者。







[1]请见CAS官网发布的“Media Release: Swimming- Sun Yang is found guilty of a doping offense and sanctioned with an 8-year period of ineligibility”


[2]请见“FINA Doping Control Rules (Approved by FINA Congress on 19 July 2019)”第7页。


[4]请见“International Standard – Testing and Investigations (March 2019)”第25页。

[5]请见“International Standard – Testing and Investigations (March 2019)”第23页。

[6]请见“International Standard – Testing and Investigations (March 2019)”第44页。

[7]请见“ISTI-Blood Sample Collection Guidelines (Version 5.0)”第11页。
